Isaac Cockfield


Zack started in the financial services industry in 1999 at Merrill Lynch and has worked with many of the same clients for 20 plus years. In 2003, Zack earned the Certified Financial Planner® designation and can meet over Zoom to do an intro meeting.

Expect Stocks to Go Higher in 2025, but No One-Way Street

Jeff Buchbinder | Chief Equity Strategist

Last Updated:

Looking back, 2024 was another strong year for stocks. The market was driven higher by unwavering trends in technology, an enduring economy with moderating inflation, Fed rate cuts, and the prospect of investor-friendly policies from the incoming administration. As we look towards the stock market in 2025, here are some key considerations for equity investors:

  • Varied upside potential: If they persist, a combination of moderating inflation, stable interest rates, and strong earnings growth supports a higher S&P 500 valuation. Our fair value target range for 2025 is 6,275 to 6,375 based on a price-to-earnings ratio of 23 and our new 2026 S&P 500 earnings per share target of $275. Importantly, this is a fair value range and stocks can trade above or below fair value for extended periods of time. Potential upside could come from lower rates, productivity gains, and confirmation of market-friendly policies from the new administration.
  • Avoiding recession is key: The stock market has historically delivered single digit returns in the 12 months following an initial rate cut from the Fed, but when recession has been avoided, the median gain has been closer to 11%. LPL Research does not expect a recession in 2025, supporting stock market gains.
  • Potential risks: While not the base case, a much slower-than-expected economy, coupled with a volatile interest rate policy, would be a serious headwind. Additionally, resurgent inflationary pressures in response to new policy or another increase in geopolitical tensions could also further undermine the current positive narrative for stocks.
  • Don’t expect a one-way street higher: Even in non-recessionary periods, it is still commonplace for equity bull markets to undergo 10% corrections along the way. Be prepared for bouts of volatility in 2025 and favor buying equities on market pullbacks. Investor sentiment is stretched, potentially setting the stage for a dip in the coming weeks and months. Bottom line, expect equity returns to indeed be favorable in 2025, but the upside will not be as robust as 2024.

For more, find the full Outlook 2025: Pragmatic Optimism from LPL Research here!

Asset Allocation Insights for 2025

The LPL Research Strategic and Tactical Asset Allocation Committee (STAAC) remains neutral towards equities as 2025 approaches and is waiting for a dip to buy with so much good news priced in and sentiment stretched. The Committee prefers U.S. stocks over developed international and emerging markets (EM) on a regional basis, although EM is starting to look interesting as a contrarian opportunity. The domestic preference stems primarily from superior earnings and economic growth in the U.S., which is reinforced by the policy stances of incoming administration and a potentially stronger U.S. dollar. Trade policy and tariffs remain concerns for EM equities.

Finally, the STAAC continues to recommend a tilt toward growth stocks until the market starts to tell us to consider going the other way, while the Committee does not have conviction on a market cap preference currently and continues to watch for technical evidence of a potential upturn in small cap relative performance.

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Jeff Buchbinder

Jeff Buchbinder, CFA, provides the top-down view of the stock market for LPL Financial Research. He has over 25 years of experience in equities.